

Lapidoth is highly experienced in providing cementing jobs for all sorts of onshore drilling and work-over operations. Lapidoth employs highly experienced cementing personnel, along with versatile equipment, that can handle a wide range of downhole pressure conditions.



Available cementing equipment include:


  1. Byron Jackson 148B – Trailer mounted – testing pressure up to 10,000psi.
  2. Byron Jackson T-128 – Self propelled – testing pressure up to 5,000psi.
News & Event


לפידות קפיטל בע”מ  

זימון לאסיפה כללית – 13-12-2020

לפידות קפיטל בע”מ (“החברה”)

מודעה בדבר כינוס אסיפה מיוחדת 14-7-2020

לפידות קפיטל בע”מ (“החברה”)

Annual Shareholders meeting to be held March 6th, 2017

On January 29th 2017 Lapidoth announced that it’s annual shareholders meeting will be held on

Scillex Debt settlement completed

On February 2, 2015, Scillex Debt settlement has been approved. Lapidoth takes control of the company.

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